
Summer Semester

Work, Digitalization and Sustainability (5606-521)

The seminar (2 SWS) addresses current issues related to the transformation of employment and work in the context of the Twin Transformation, i.e. the simultaneous transformation toward a digital and sustainable economy and society. Based on discussions of the latest international research, students identify relevant research questions, which they explore in their final seminar paper. Overall, students develop an analytical and critical understanding of contemporary developments in the world of work in relation to the Twin Transformation.

New Work: Theories and Methods (5606-511)

The students get to know different methods of qualitative research to apply in organizations. They identify research questions and apply methodically appropriate designs. They are able to use various qualitative methods. They also deal with research ethics and will be able apply theoretical perspectives on empirical findings and discuss them critically.

The course (3 teaching hours per week) deepens the methods of qualitative organizational research. The students get introduced to different survey and evaluation methods. They  design their own research project and jointly develop a survey instrument, conduct qualitative interviews, apply transcription rules, coding methods and tools as well as different strategies of sampling and type formation.

Winter Semester

New Employment Relationships (5606-611)

The lecture (3 SWS) focuses on the transformation of employment and working relationships in the context of new forms of employment, flexibilized collaboration and changing demands of employers and employees. It addresses the distinction between traditional and “new employment relationships” and examines the related issues at a societal, organizational and individual level. Students gain a profound and critical understanding of the scientific discussion on the development of the world of work. They learn to analyze key developments in employment and working relationships and to reflect on their effects.

Economy, Change and Society (5606-411)

In this course (3 teaching hours per week), students acquire in-depth knowledge of theoretical perspectives in the sociology of work, organizations, and economics. They are able to relate current societal trends to changes in work, organizations, and the economy. They become familiar with relevant and current research findings and can critically reflect on them, particularly regarding challenges facing employees and managers. The aim of the course is to illuminate the transformation of the working world from a social science perspective, critically reflect on it, and develop concrete measures for shaping work relationships.