
Publication DIAMANT [20.11.2020]

A paper on digital idea management was published based on findings of the DIAMANT project.more

Speech at the conference of the Network for Work and Workers' Research Baden-Württemberg "Digitalisation, change and social cohesion" [14.10.2020]

Next Friday, 16.10.2020, Prof. Dr. Caroline Ruiner will present at the conference of the Network for Work and Worker Research Baden-Wuerttemberg "Digitalisation, change and social cohesion". The title of her contribution is "Employee-oriented work design and digitalised idea management".more

Publication [12.10.2020]

An interdisciplinary book chapter on the use of AI in production and logistics has just been published. The article discusses the concept for an e-coaching as developed in the DIAMANT project to strengthen the worker’s self-efficacy as this is key for dealing with new work context.more

DGS Conference 2020 [14.09.2020]

Ronny Ehlen at the DGS conference 2020.more

Publication [02.06.2020]

The contribution of Sabine Pfeiffer and Anne Suphan on "Digitalisierung, Arbeit und Beschäftigung: Altbekannte Zusammenhänge, überholte Kategorien, neuartige Effekte?" has just been published.more

Publication [02.06.2020]

The joint and interdisciplinary work with Maximiliane Wilkesmann, Birgit Apitzsch and Sabine Salloch on the topic ""I want to break free" - Locum physicians understanding of professionalism" has just been published in the journal Professions and Professionalism. more

Publication [25.05.2020]

Ruiner, Caroline/Klumpp, Matthias: „Arbeitskräfte zwischen Autonomie und Kontrolle – Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Logistik“more