Publication DIAMANT  [20.11.20]

A paper on digital idea management was published based on findings of the DIAMANT project.

In this article, we present an innovative organization and design of idea management in digitalized work systems to promote the participation of workers in change processes and discuss the respective challenges and opportunities. In this sense, the paper addresses how digital technologies can be used to promote new forms of participation and more democratic forms of work.

Ruiner, Caroline/Hagemann, Vera/Hesenius, Marc/Klumpp, Matthias (2020): Digitales Ideenmanagement als Mitbestimmung 4.0? Chancen und Herausforderungen der Partizipation von Beschäftigten in betrieblichen Veränderungsprozessen. In: Bader, Verena/Kaiser, Stephan (Ed.): Arbeit in der Data Society – Herausforderungen, Chancen und Zukunftsvisionen für Mitbestimmung und Personalmanagement. Berlin: Springer, 243-261.

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