Publication alert: New article on "sustainable behavior in organizations" [28.06.24]
A new article on the role of psychological ownership and organisational citizenship behaviour for the sustainable behavior of employees in organisations has been published.Ronny Ehlen and Caroline Ruiner have contributed an article on "Sustainable behavior in organizations" to the newly published anthology "Sustainable Service Management" edited by Manfred Bruhn and Karsten Hadwich.
The article discusses the promotion of pro-ecological action in organizations. It points out the limits of political or formal-strategic instruments and emphasizes the importance of employee behavior. In detail, "Psychological Ownership" and "Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment" are discussed as key concepts for promoting pro-ecological behavior by employees, the current state of research is presented and implications for practice are derived.
The article is available at: Ehlen, R., Ruiner, C. (2024). Nachhaltiges Handeln in Organisationen. In: Bruhn, M., Hadwich, K. (eds) Sustainable Service Management. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
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